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Touching Lives


Year 5/6 Digital Technologies


Your Assessment Task


As part of the Design and Technologies strand of the Australian Curriculum your assessment task is to design a touchscreen interface to be used in a community setting.


You will be required to –

  • Research how touchscreens work

  • Research how touchscreens have impacted society

  • Choose a community need or situation which would benefit from touchscreen technology

  • Design the touchscreen interface and icons. Draw and explain your choice of icons

Begin by researching touchscreen technology using the internet and writing 200 to 300 words explaing how the technology works.


Next research the impact that touchscreens have had on society. Think about ways that touchscreens are used in everyday life such as ATMs, ordering food, ticketing systems, informations kiosks etc. Write 50 to 100 words on ways touchscreens help the community.

Design your own touchscreen interface. Think of ways that touchscreens can be used in everyday situations to help people. Consider people who cannot communicate because of language barriers or disabilities. What types of things do people need to do that would be difficult if they couldn't communicate properly? Going shopping, to the doctor, getting a haircut, getting their car fixed, all of these things require communication.

Design and draw the touchscreen with the icons that your interface would have. Think of usability, clarity, easy to understand designs.

Some of this assessment will be undertaken in class time and some will need to be completed in your own time.

Due Date   

Download and Print
Task Sheet as a Word

   Use the link below to watch a video about touch-

screen technology.


    Use the links to watch and      read more about touchscreens

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